64식 - 떠돌이 마녀

At the Griffin base.

Commander Springfield's plan is quite sound at this point.
However, this event is bigger than anything we've done before, so I just hope nothing goes wrong...

??? Commander, I'm here to deliver the report.

Commander Ah!

A voice suddenly calls out behind me.

I turn around to see Type64 with an innocent expression looking at me.

Commander Phew...so it was you, 64.
You scared me.

Type64 Commander, this is today's logistics report.
I didn't see you in your office, so I came looking for you.

Commander Ah... Okay, thank you.
(Type64's footsteps are always as quiet as a mouse... I guess I can't blame her…)

Type64 Then, if you'll excuse me.

Commander Wait a second!

Type64 Do you have any other orders, Commander?

Commander Well, there's an event...

I explain the plan for the Halloween event to Type64.

Type64 I see, so you want me to help Springfield with the costume preparations for the event?

Commander Yes, are you interested?

Type64 Mmm... I can do it if it is required of me.
Although I am confident in my handicraft skills, I'm not sure I completely understand what this holiday is about. Is it the Ghost Festival...?

Commander Hm, not exactly.

Type64 Well, that's okay... It's always good to give new things a try.

Commander Okay, then I'll leave it to you.
You can talk to Springfield for further instructions.

Type64 Understood, Commander.
I'll look for Springfield right now.

Type64 leaves.

Commander Although Type64 looks like she could easily handle the job with mastery and ease...
Her attitude of detachment makes it a bit worrying...

...Several days later. The Halloween event preparations are carried out without a hitch in accordance with Springfield's schedule.
...Up until the day of the event.

At the Griffin Cafe.

Type64 The cafe looks...very different.

Springfield Ah, Type64.
Welcome to the Halloween themed cafe.

Type64 Um...did you make all of these decorations yourself, Springfield?

Springfield Yes, I just finished right before you stepped in. You are the very first to see the newly decorated cafe.

Type64 Then I must be pretty lucky to be the first.

Type64 walks over to the bar counter and looks around, poking the strange looking plush toy on the table.

Type64 So this is the atmosphere of the "Halloween" holiday.
It certainly is a bit different from the Ghost Festival.

Springfield Haha, they are different holidays after all.
Do you want anything to drink?

Type64 I'm fine. Are you still busy?
I'm here to deliver the finished goods to you.

Type64 hands the bag in her hand over to Springfield.

Type64 This is the last piece of the Halloween costumes we talked about before.

Springfield Oh, if I recall, the costumes are already done.
Let me take a look...
Ah...sorry, 64, I made a mistake with the number of costumes... This one's going to be an extra.

Type64 I see, that's okay.
I've already made a bunch, so it's fine if I made an extra one.

Springfield The workmanship of this piece is very detailed.
It's a pity for it to go to waste. I'm not sure who to send it to...

Type64 I'm sure...someone will need it.

Springfield Oh, 64, did you prepare a Halloween costume for yourself?

Type64 I haven't yet... I'm not sure what I should make.
Do you have any suggestions, Springfield?

Springfield I think it'll be good as long as it's witch themed.

Type64 That shouldn't be too hard.
Do you have any extra materials lying around?

Springfield I do, but what do you intend to do with them?

Type64 Make a Halloween costume.

Springfield Ohh... Right now?

Type64 Yup, right now. It won't take long.

Several hours later.

Type64 Hm, this should be fine. I'll try wearing it.

Type64 wears her newly made Halloween costume.

Type64 What do you think, Springfield? Is it suitable for Halloween?

Springfield You are very skilled, 64...
But don't you think this costume is a bit too...random? The tip of this broom...is a dragon head? It looks very strange...

Type64 Really? Isn't it fine as long as it's bizzare enough? This costume incorporates elements of my culture. I'm sure it'll look very strange to the people here.

Springfield Ah... But bizzareness and horror are two different things.
Not to mention Halloween isn't the Ghost Festival...

Type64 Really? I don't think there's any problem with this.

Springfield 64... Have you always been like this?

Type64 Eh?

Springfield You always seem to be a bit...uncaring.

Type64 Really? I just think that a lot of things will work themselves out in the end.

Springfield suddenly receives a call.

Springfield Huh...what's the matter?
Don't panic, speak slowly.
...What? There's a power outage at the haunted house? Okay, alright...I'll be right over, don't touch anything.
Seems like there's a situation at the haunted house. I need to go over and check.
Why don't you wait here, 64?

Type64 I want to go to the haunted house too.

Springfield It won't be fun if you go right now...
The animatronics won't work if the power is out.

Type64 That's perfectly fine.
I want to see everybody's reactions to my costume.

Springfield You're quite self-willed, huh...
But you need to be careful. They must be panicking inside the haunted house right now. Who knows how they'll react to you.

Type64 Alright, I'll be careful.

Walking together, Type64 and Springfield head toward the warehouse where the haunted house is located.
After separating from Springfield at the entrance, Type64 steps into the haunted house by herself.

Type64 Let me test out this modified broom first.

Type64 flips a switch on the broom and sits herself sideways on it.
With a whoosh, she lifts off and flies into the haunted house.


M1919A4 Did you feel that as well, Makarov...?

Makarov Something seems to have whisked past us...

M1919A4 Did we set up that sort of gliding mechanism?

Makarov Not to my memory.

WA2000 Where's the broken wire, damn it...
I can't see anything in this darkness...

WA2000 ......
It felt like something flew over me...
Must be my imagination, haha...

Gr Mk23 Darlinggg
Where are you, Darlinggggg!

Type64 This shrill and wretched voice... Is it the cries of a banshee?
I will have to investigate...

Gr Mk23 What's that flying in the air?!

Type64 So you're the demon responsible for this mess, huh?
Hold it! I'm coming down to stop you right now!

Gr Mk23 Who the heck are you calling a ghost when YOU'RE FLYING IN THE AIR!
You must be here to stop me from searching for my Darling!

Type64 Your Darling is in another haunted house!
May the presiders over warriors be my vanguard! Eat this!

Gr Mk23 What the heck?!
I have to hurry and find Darling. I can't waste my time here...
That's right, my smoke grenade!

Gr Mk23 throws out a smoke grenade.

Type64 Ack! I can't see anything...
But...if that thing threw a smoke grenade, it probably isn't a ghost, right...?

Type64 With everyone panicking in the dark, I may get attacked again if I move around carelessly.
I should find a safe place to wait it out...

Type64 waits in the haunted house until the power is restored.

Type64 Looks like they fixed it.

??? Is anyone there... Help...
Let me out...

Type64 Sounds like someone nearby is asking for help...

Type64 follows the sound and finds 1919 trapped in a cage.


Type64 Looks like she hasn't notice me yet... This is the perfect chance.

Type64 steps back out into the hallway and connects to the comms channel.

Type64 Commander, it's me.
M1919 is trapped in a cage. Please come over to the haunted house and save her.

...Call ended.

Type64 That should do it.
Seems like 1919 is really frightened. I hope the Commander can get here soon.

Holding her special broom, Type64 saunters out of the haunted house, leaving M1919 alone inside.

At the Griffin Cafe.

Commander So you're here, Type64.

Type64 Hello, Commander.
Are you having fun tonight?

Commander If you count being shocked at what happened as having fun...then yes, I might be having too much fun.
I didn't think that 1919 would still be able to do her job tonight after being trapped in there...

Type64 Looks like you were successful in rescuing her.

Commander Yeah.
By the way, there's something I'm curious about...

Type64 What is it?

Commander Weren't you in the haunted house, 64?
Why didn't you let 1919 out yourself?

Type64 I didn't want her to owe me one.
Not to mention, isn't it more fitting for you to be the knight in shining armor, Commander?

Commander I see...
But are you really okay with always being a non-participating bystander?

Type64 This is my way of participation.
Only I know what occured in the entirety of the event. Isn't that exciting?

Commander But not everyone will like you this way.

Type64 I don't mind, Commander.
My neural cloud storage and computing power are limited, so there's no way for me to like too many people.

Commander Is that so...

Type64 If someone likes me, then I need to return the appreciation in equal amounts...
But if I end up being liked by too many people, then wouldn't it become a burden for me?

Commander Hm...that somehow makes sense.

Type64 So it's fine to keep it like this.
I think...there surely will be people out there that like me the way I am.