콜트 리볼버 - 별똥별의 소원
Afternoon, December 24th. At a Griffin base.
I'm starving...
I've been shopping with FAL the whole time and ended up not eating anything.
The cafeteria is probably still busy preparing for the feast right now...
Well, it's gonna start in two or three hours anyway. I'll just eat whatever to fill my stomach for now.
I make my way to the vending machine outside the command center. The supplier is closed during the holiday season, but there should still be something left.
These...and these... Gotta take them all...
I hear a T-Doll muttering to herself when I'm almost at the vending machine.
Her figure is obscured by a huge white sack. She keeps taking things out from the machine compartment and stuffing them into the sack.
At this rate, the vending machine will be emptied very soon!
I hurry over to her side.
Please leave some for me!
The squatting T-Doll looks up.
She's replaced her usual cowgirl getup with a festive red-and-white combo, but her fashion sense is still unmistakable.
Oh, it's you, Commander!
Stocking up, too, eh?
Ah, SAA. What are you doing here?
I'm not very into balls and stuff like that, so I'm throwing a small party with a few friends in the dorm afterwards.
Naturally, I need to stock up on enough cola and snacks!
...But emptying the entire vending machine seems a bit excessive.
Haha, it's always better to be as prepared as you can.
I'm just about to disagree, but much to my embarrassment, my empty stomach chooses this moment to complain.
SAA fishes out a packet of chips from her sack.
Hungry, Commander? Here, replenish your energy!
Not the healthiest of food, but it's enough to sate my urgent need.
Besides...seeing as how much she loves junk food, it's incredibly generous of her to share it with me.
Thanks, SAA.
I sit down on the bench and opens the packet of chips. SAA sits down next to me and pops open a can of cola.
Ahhhh! Cola is THE BEST!
I know she's always been addicted to cola, but watching her chug down a can of carbonated drink on a cold winter day while dressed like this still makes me shiver.
Don't you feel cold?
Heheh, people with a blazing heart don't need extra clothes to keep warm!
Of course, it's also thanks to the cola~
You should have some too, Commander!
Haha...Chugging it down the way you do would probably douse the fire in me.
By the way, SAA... You get along with the other kids at the base, don't you?
Yeah, they're all great pals that I share my cola with!
Have you changed your mind about joining us, Commander?
I want to ask you something.
Are they planning anything special for Christmas?
Yeah, something like...an operation to obtain more Christmas presents.
SAA narrows her eyes, as if she's pondering something.
But she quickly reassumes her usual innocent expression.
Huh? I'm not really sure what you're talking about.
The only special plan I know of is a party overflowing with cola~ It'd be nice with some chips, too!
Uh...so they're really not planning anything?
Plans with no cola are no plan at all.
Looks like she doesn't want to give me a straight answer.
Just as I'm about to press further, we hear another T-Doll shouting from the square nearby.
Griffin T-Dolls
We're decorating the Christmas tree! Come and help!
Coming! Save me a spot to hang up a cola!
Griffin T-Dolls
You can hang up whatever you like as long as it doesn't fall off!
Just hurry!
I gotta help them with the tree, Commander!
Alright. Don't let me keep you.
SAA hoists up her sack filled with cans of cola and runs off, but turns back after two steps.
Oh right. This is for you.
SAA takes a can of cola out of her sack and shoves it into my hands.
Whatever plans you have tonight, Commander, make sure you don't forget the cola~
Well, see you in a bit~
She smiles and gives me a wink, then joins the crowd in the center of the square.
I thought I could collect some intel from her...
She may seem callous, but she's a lot more cunning than I expected.
Still, I'm not totally unprepared.
I haven't discovered any useful leads, but...
It will surely be a blast tonight.
I open the can of cola and take a sip.
But that did jolt me wide awake.
Well then, back to work!
With great anticipation for Christmas Eve, I leave the resting area as SAA's laughter fades gradually into the distance.